Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good Morning, Good Night, and Good Hair

I want to remember.....

hearing Zane and Zander through the monitor as they wake up each morning. This is sometimes earlier than I want it to be :), but the sounds are still so precious! Zander immediately begins "talking" very loudly, which in turn wakes up Zane. Zane then starts off with a few quiet sounds. These sweet noises are then followed by Zander holding onto the sides of his bed and jumping up and down while Zane holds onto his bed and shakes the sides. If you're needing help with this mental image, think of 2 little monkeys at the zoo in their cages. One of them is jumping up and down trying to get your attention while the other is grabbing onto the bars of the cage and shaking vigorously!

I want to remember....

how loving and sweet Emma Kate is at night when its time for bed. Without fail every night, she wants me to come up to her room and tell her good night with kisses and hugs. Philip and I had been taking turns doing this, but now, even if its his turn, she still asks for me. A couple of times I tried not going (just because I wanted that time to be special for her and Philip), and within a few minutes we could hear her wailing and sobbing for me. So, I now tuck her in every night. I know she won't always need that so I want to cherish it while she does want me.

I want to remember....

that when Zander was 14 1/2 months old, he finally needed his hair combed for the first time! His curls in the back are always all over the place, but I don't mind those. In fact, I actually LOVE those curls in the back of his head! But, as I got him out of the bathtub last night, I noticed that the sides and a teeny tiny bit on top actually needed to be combed down.

I tried to get pictures of it before I combed it, but he was too busy! I did manage to get these pics of those cute curls I told you about!

I want to remember....
how fast Zane's hair grows and how much of it he has! He has had 3 haircuts and is needing another one! Last night as I was noticing that Zander finally has some hair, Philip was doing this to Zane's long hair in the bathtub....

and then crazy hair again once he was out of the bathtub....

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